Specialty Details

Slip treatment by thermal frequency

Cauterization by thermal frequency is a modern technique through which a small catheter is used that is directed under the supervision of rays and under the influence of local anesthesia to reach the place of pain to be treated, and this catheter is connected to a thermal frequency device that generates electromagnetic vibrations around the irritated nerves that cause pain


Advantages and disadvantages of the thermal frequency ironing technology:

It is one of the latest technologies that have been discovered recently, and it contributes to reducing neck or back pain for longer periods and immediately, and several areas can be treated at one time, thus contributing to a quick return to work and other normal activities. It is a safe technique and its results are excellent, and the cost of the thermofrequency procedure is very low compared to surgery

There are no complications or side effects of cauterization with thermal frequency and the success rate of the operation is very high, so this procedure is completely safe, but complications may include minor infections, bleeding or superficial burns. The patient may suffer from pain for up to 14 days, but this is generally due to residual effects from the nerve excision or muscle spasm.

Types of ironing with thermal frequency:
There are three types of heat frequency cautery:
Conventional resection: It is a traditional method in the treatment of herniated discs.
Pulsed ablation: This method relies on the use of a needle that generates short thermal pulses of high-voltage current intermittently and interspersed with periods when no thermal current is passed.
Water cooling: It uses a needle that is heated and re-cooled by a continuous flow of water, which in turn contributes to preventing the tip of the needle from overheating.